The National Service-Learning Conference is the largest gathering of youth, educators, policymakers and more who are dedicated to improving education, strengthening communities, and building youth leadership with service-learning.

We invite you to share your stories, successes, and lessons learned at the Conference!

Workshops are the heart of the conference, providing professional development opportunities for youth and adults alike. Workshops are designed towards teaching and learning in an interactive environment. A workshop presentation is 75 minutes long.

Proposals will be assessed on content quality, creativity of delivery, and audience participation. We strongly encourage proposals from young people. Workshops that involve audience interaction are also strongly encouraged. Presenters may apply for a workshop, lightning talk and a Showcase.

60-minute Lightning Talk Sessions will occur in the main hall at tables set for 8 (including the presenter, so max 2 presenters). Presenters will talk for 5-10 minutes and have 10-15 minutes for questions and interaction, for a total of 20 minutes per table. After 20 minutes, the presenters remain at the table, and participants move on for two more rounds. Presenters may be selected to give their Lightning Talk on one day or both.

There are two types of Lightning Talks: Skill/Idea Share and Program/Product Preview. A skill/idea share is not just mentioning a few ideas; presenters must get to the core of the topic and discuss something substantial. “Is there something innovative about what you do? Does your work have direct impact on the organization or on a community? Have you achieved remarkable results, or learned something really significant? Present your key idea early in your talk.” (UNICEF Knowledge-Exchange).

A program/product review allows you to promote your product (curriculum, program, or service) for an additional charge of $150 (one Roundtable session) or $300 (two Roundtable sessions). Complete the normal Lightning Talk application and, if approved, add the Lightning Talk Product/Program Preview package at registration.

Review Process Proposals will be assessed on content quality, target audiences (broader is better this year), and creativity of delivery. We strongly encourage proposals from young people. The Review Committee will be looking for a slate that balances the variety of audiences and topics given the space and time available. More guidelines on creating a successful talk will be provided if selected.

Do you have a high-quality project you would like to highlight at the conference? Not ready for a full workshop session but have a powerful message to deliver? Then consider being part of the showcase. The Showcase highlights high-quality projects from across the country and around the world, and is an opportunity to connect with people and share how a project was implemented, how it was connected to curricular goals, and what made it effective.

We invite you to join us on our journey to change the world with young people, their schools, and communities by sponsoring the National Service-Learning Conference. NYLC is pleased to partner with businesses and organizations, large or small, to create a sponsorship tailored to meet your needs. Show your support for youth leadership, student voice, service & learning in schools and communities across the country and around the world. Many levels are available to meet your goals and budget.

Highlight your organization at the National Service-Learning Conference! Innovation abounds at the Conference, where participants look for solutions to real needs in their schools and communities. Here they discover the latest products, services, events, and technologies that are transforming in-and-out-of-school service-learning around the country.

Calling all Organizations to become a Conference Affiliate! Affiliates distribute Conference information with their networks and staff; encourage participation; and, promote the Conference through social media, newsletters, and their website. Sample content will be provided.

In return, you will be listed as an Affiliate on the Conference homepage– gaining exposure to an international audience of educators, state and federal officials, youth leaders, program coordinators, policy-makers, and community-based organizations involved in the service-learning movement.