Education equity

Reflecting on the Youth Leadership Summit on Education Equity

By Talia Yohai, Guest Writer Participating in the 2020 Youth Leadership Summit by NYLC taught me a lot about the importance of leadership and service learning in order to address issues regarding education inequity all over the world. In this conference, I had the chance to talk to many teenagers from many different parts of the world that wanted to come up with solutions to the education inequity in their own situations. Talking to these very different people, I realized that for many people, education inequity is seen more in terms of the diversity and the intersectionality of the students.  Meanwhile [...]

August 18th, 2020|

Equity in Education During COVID-19

Imagine all students starting their school days by eating a healthy breakfast, then jumping on their laptops to connect with their teachers through Google Classroom, then Facetiming with fellow students to complete their group projects. Imagine all parents knowing that their children are receiving the best educations despite classrooms having been moved from school buildings to living rooms. Imagine every teacher equipped with the training and knowledge to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed. Unfortunately, this is not the reality for many students across the United States. Issues of equity become readily apparent when students go hungry [...]

March 23rd, 2020|


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